O God yes. There has to be another answer. Bombing babies? The men resorting to this should be removed from power immediately. I don’t know who can implement your idea though. Israel’s SJC? Are they less corrupt than ours? The UN? With the #1 abetter of baby bombing having veto power? I agree having a vision is the first step, and is radical peacemaking. I love you, Yes Men. Have for years.
Hi sorry it took me so long to get over here. It is HHATW4R thats Hold Hands Around the World 4 Real: From the River to the Sea you'll be holding hands with me? No just two other people that you can stand to be around on 4-20-25 We will be needing battleships nose-to-nose to cover the bother some Ocean gaps. The biggest issue we are running into is MAGA and Football men unable to stop masturbating to McPussy long enough to be in public. There has been some Momaphobia spreading around that MAHA Mom's are against well-off decadent Trans when in reality we are against any soft-dullard-fuzz-brain jacking it without actually pair-bonding with another Human Being. It causes problems especially when those dullards need to drive and not kill you with their car. We have considered no cars at all, but one step at time.
O God yes. There has to be another answer. Bombing babies? The men resorting to this should be removed from power immediately. I don’t know who can implement your idea though. Israel’s SJC? Are they less corrupt than ours? The UN? With the #1 abetter of baby bombing having veto power? I agree having a vision is the first step, and is radical peacemaking. I love you, Yes Men. Have for years.
Hi sorry it took me so long to get over here. It is HHATW4R thats Hold Hands Around the World 4 Real: From the River to the Sea you'll be holding hands with me? No just two other people that you can stand to be around on 4-20-25 We will be needing battleships nose-to-nose to cover the bother some Ocean gaps. The biggest issue we are running into is MAGA and Football men unable to stop masturbating to McPussy long enough to be in public. There has been some Momaphobia spreading around that MAHA Mom's are against well-off decadent Trans when in reality we are against any soft-dullard-fuzz-brain jacking it without actually pair-bonding with another Human Being. It causes problems especially when those dullards need to drive and not kill you with their car. We have considered no cars at all, but one step at time.